Tuesday, February 9, 2010

ReFOG KeyLogger : Xpress way of Hacking

Who Is It Refog KeyLogger?

Parents worldwide use Refog Keylogger to look after their family members, teenage kids and spouses. Refog Keylogger has everything that’s included into the Free Keylogger, and adds a few valuable features that make Refog Keylogger ideal for family use. Not only can it intercept keystrokes, in addition, the computer surveillance tool logs full screenshot history of what was happening on your PC. It can also record all Web sites visited by your family members, and log all applications they used.


Invisible and Undetectable

Unlike Free Keylogger that always displays an icon beside system clock, Refog Keylogger can run completely undetected and fully invisible. Even computer-savvy teenagers won’t be able to tell whether it’s running without knowing your Master Password, nor can they stop or uninstall the monitor.


Refog Keylogger is ideal for family use. Download your copy, double-click to install, set your Master Password and leave it - Refog Keylogger will do the rest completely automatically. You can leave it running 24x7 with zero maintenance.

Zero Maintenance with Automatic Updates

Refog Keylogger requires no regular maintenance. It can even update itself automatically by periodically checking for a new version, downloading and installing updates the moment they are released. Regular automatic updates help ensure optimal performance and tightest security of your PC.

What’s Recorded

Refog Keylogger logs all key presses and keystrokes typed on your PC, and saves any text pasted from the clipboard. Thanks to periodic screen captures, you will have access to fully illustrated usage history of your PC. Refog Keylogger can also, track Web sites and resources visited by your family members, and log all applications launched on your computer.

Protected with Master Password

Your Master Password is always required to make changes to Refog Keylogger. No one can uninstall, block or circumvent Refog Keylogger monitoring without knowing your password. Without the password, it’s even impossible to tell whether or not Refog Keylogger is running!

Download Your Copy

Download your free evaluation copy of Refog Keylogger today and see what your family members do online and offline. Refog Keylogger works great with all modern Windows OS releases: Windows XP®, Windows Vista®, Windows 7®.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Folder Guard : Secure Ur File in Public PC

Folder Guard® is a powerful computer security software that you can use to control access to files, folders, and other Windows resources, such as Control Panel, Start Menu, and so on. You can use Folder Guard to lock your personal files and folderswith passwords, to stop other users from peeking into your records. You can even completely hide your private folders from virtually all applications, and such folders would remain invisible until you enter a valid password. You can also protect sensitive system files from modification or destruction, disable access to the removable drives, restrict access to Control Panel, and more.

Why should you choose Folder Guard:

Folder Guard lets you password protect your files and folders.

You can protect with password virtually any folder or file, allowing only the authorized users to open the protected files or folders. You can protect an unlimited number of files and folders, each with its own password, or you can use the Master Password of Folder Guard to unprotect them all at once.

Folder Guard can hide your personal folders from other users.

You can set up Folder Guard to hide your private folders (or make them appear empty). The folder would be hidden from virtually any program, including Windows Explorer, Office, MS-DOS programs, etc.

Folder Guard can restrict access to Control Panel, Start Menu, Desktop, etc.

You can set up Folder Guard to allow only certain users to change the computer settings with Control Panel, while denying that to other users. You can control access to various settings of Start Menu, Desktop, Taskbar, and other Windows resources. You can remove the Run and Search commands on the Start menu, hide specific drives, lock the Internet settings, and more.

Folder Guard can protect access to the floppy, CD-ROM and other removable drives

You can configure Folder Guard to allow or deny access to the removable drives, restricting the user's ability to run or install unauthorized programs on your computer.

Folder Guard is suitable for a wide range of the computer security tasks.

You can stop other users of your computer from peeking into your personal files. You can protect the system files and folders from destruction by cyber-vandals. You can allow specific users to run a program while deny it to others. You can allow users to use the removable drives to store their documents while prevent them from running unauthorized programs from the removable disks. The possibilities are endless:

How to:

Folder Guard protects your files without encrypting them.

There is no risk of losing your documents if you lose your encryption key: with Folder Guard all your files remain intact, without modification of any kind.

Folder Guard lets you quickly enable or disable the protection via a "hot key".

You can choose a specific keyboard combination as the hot key of Folder Guard, to be able to quickly enable or disable the protection of your computer. Of course, the "hot key" is protected with your password, too, only you can use it!

Folder Guard can operate in the "stealth mode".

You can set up Folder Guard to operate in the stealth mode, to hide its own files and shortcuts from being seen by other users. You would still be able to control Folder Guard via the "hot key".

Folder Guard supports easy recovery in case of emergency.

If you forget your password, or experience other problems, simply use theEmergency Recovery Utility (free download) to quickly restore access to your protected folder.

Folder Guard works with drives of any format.

If your computer can handle it, Folder Guard can protect it. You don't have to format your hard drive with the NTFS file system: Folder Guard can protect files and folders on both NTFS and FAT/FAT32 disks.

Folder Guard runs on a wide range of Windows platforms.

From Windows 2000 to Windows XP to Windows 7 and later, with all service packs and hotfixes, all are supported by Folder Guard.

Folder Guard is easy to use.

Folder Guard sports one of the most intuitive user interfaces, that makes it easy to use for both novice users and computer professionals.

Folder Guard "speaks" plain English.

You don't have to be a computer professional to understand how to use Folder Guard. The Quick Start Wizard can guide you through the steps necessary to set up the password protection of your personal folders. Folder Guard Advisor warns you about situations that may require your attention and offers possible workarounds. Folder Guard User's Guide describes its commands and operation in plain English, without "pseudo-techno" or "geeky" talk. (And it does not baby-sit you either).

Folder Guard is not a toy.

Folder Guard is used by large corporations and small businesses, schools and police departments, universities and correctional facilities, libraries and hospitals (to name a few).

Folder Guard is widely used.

Hundreds of thousands of copies of Folder Guard have been downloaded by computer users from virtually all countries of the world.

Folder Guard offers the best value for the money.

Folder Guard is flexible.

Although Windows lets you restrict access to folders located on a NTFS drives, it cannot hide them. With Folder Guard, you can not only restrict access to, but also hide folders, or make them look empty. Unlike Windows, Folder Guard lets you protect only some files within a folder, and keep the rest of the files visible and accessible, if you wish. Or, you can protect files and folders each with its own individual password, and then unlock them separately from each other (Windows cannot do that).

Folder Guard can be used with other disk tools.

You can designate your anti-virus and other disk maintenance tools to be the "trusted" programs, to make them able to work with your protected disks without restrictions.

Folder Guard is extensible.

You can fine-tune the access rules to the files and folders of your computer by creating appropriate filters.

Folder Guard will save you hours of learning time.

You don't have to learn how to use the Group Policies, user groups, Access Control Lists, privileges, and other built-in security features of Windows, because Folder Guard does the hard work for you: its visual and intuitive user interface lets you manage the restrictions with ease.

Folder Guard is enterprise-ready.

For the corporate customers we offer a separate build of Folder Guard that does not require license validation over the Internet. The Folder Guard Administrator's Kit contains the installation files in both the EXE and MSI formats, allowing the system administrators to quickly deploy Folder Guard to a large number of computers. The Kit also contains a Group Policy template that you can use to automatically deliver the license key to a large number of the client computers.

Folder Guard is actively maintained.

Since its first release back in 1997, we've been continuously extending, enhancing, and improving Folder Guard. Now in version 8.2, Folder Guard gives you more power than ever.

Friday, February 5, 2010


This time, i would like to share a new lesson of hacking..It's a backdoor. The example of backdoor program is SubSeven. A software that use to steal information and control all the authorities of other Personal Computer. Download SubSeven Sub7 Client Server Program Backdoor Full Download

By the way,Sub 7 is a backdoor trojan horse that you can connect to a victims computer. Download it at the download center.

Here our 2 tutoirlas
The first one will tell you how to use it
The second one will tell you how to give the vicitm the virus.

This tutorial will include:

1) Contents of the SubSeven 2.1.5 Package
2) Explanation of the files
3) How to configure a server.exe properly using Editserver.exe
4) The features of SubSeven 2.1.5 and what they do

This package includes:

1) SubSeven.exe (CLIENT)
2) server.exe (SERVER)
3) EditServer.exe

The Features of SubSeven 2.1.5

**) New Feature: under "Local Options - Advanced" section of the
client theres a button "Test on Local Machine" which runs the server
with special restrictions (accepts localhost connections only)

1) Connection:

A) IP Scanner - Scans for IPs with an open port you specify
B) Get PC Info - All PC info, including Disk Size, Space, User etc
C) Get Home Info - Gets all Home Info the vic specifies for their
Windows Registration ( not always availible)
D) Server Options - Options pertaining to removing, changing port,
updating server, etc.
E) IP Notify - Adds a new notify method or changes the current
method on the current server

2) Keys/Messages:

A) Keyboard - Open Keylogger, get offline keys, disable keyb. etc
B) Chat - Chat with the Victim
C) Matrix - Chat with the vic matrix style (black & green design)
D) Message Manager - Sends a popup message to the vic
E) Spy - ICQ, AIM, MSN, YAHOO Instant Messenger Spies
F) ICQ Takeover - displays all installed UINs on the pc, and u can
take each one over at the click of a button

3) Advanced:

A) FTP/HTTP - turns the vic into an FTP server, ready for files to
be downloaded via ur FTP client or browser
B) Find Files - searches for a specified file type or file in the
vics pc
C) Passwords - retrieves Cached, Recorded, RAS, and ICQ/AIM Passes
D) RegEdit - Opens the vics Registry so u can fuck with it >:)
E) App Redirect - Lets you run a DOS command on the vic and shows
you the output
F) Port Redirect - adds an open port to the vic so you can "bounce"
from it using the vics host as your own, E.G.: proxy type of
contraption via IRC

4) Miscellaneous:

A) File Manager - Upload, Download, Run, and do alotta other cool
shit via this client
B) Windows Manager - Displays open windows which you can close,
disable, etc.
C) Process Manager - Shows all processes you can kill, disable,
prioritize etc.
D) Text-2-Speech - Messes with the Text2Speech engine on the vics
pc, you type, it talks
E) Clipboard Manager - View, change, empty the vics clipboard
F) IRC Bot - Connects an IRC bot from the vic to an IRC server of

5) Fun Manager:

A) Desktop/Webcam - Views Webcam continuous capture, a desktop
continuous preview and full screen capture
B) Flip Screen - Flips victims screen upside down, and sideways
C) Print - Prints on victims screen
D) Browser - Opens victims browser with the webpage you specify
E) Resolution - Changes victims pc resolution
F) Win Colors - Changes the victims computer colors

6) Extra Fun:

A) Screen Saver - Changes the Vics Screensaver
B) Restart Win - Shuts down, reboots, or logs off the victim
C) Mouse - Set Mouse trails, reverse buttons, hide curson etc
D) Sound - Record from vics mic, change volume settings
E) Time/Date - Changes system time
F) Extra - A whole buncha extra shit like hide desktop, hide start
button, hide taskbar, open cd-rom etc.

7) Local Options:

A) Quality - Adjusts the quality of the Webcam/Desktop
B) Local Folder - Changes the Sub7 Local Folder
C) Skins - Skin manager for Sub7
D) Misc Options - Misc shit like toggling animation of windows etc
E) Advanced - Messes with ports used for some Sub7 Functions Dont
bother messing around
F) Run EditServer - Hmm..i wonder what this does...

How to give your victim Sub7 ??????

First try and get a victim on ICQ as you can get there IP address straight

away! Now once you have found someone, just chat to them and find out if

they have a virus scanner [if so check the below paragraph, if not just jump

that paragraph] don't jump straight into it first just give them easy

questions like "A/S/L, how are you, Do you have a pic"

then ask them about the Virus Scanner, if they say why just say becuase

about all the worms and viruses on the net, your just wondering what they

are using as you might get some! now once you know that you are ready to

give them the trap!


How to disable the Virus Scanner ????????


There are two ways:

1] this si the easy way, you find out what virus scanner they use, then find

the apporpriate "DAT Killer.exe" you can say it's a pic, or even a patch you

kno about for the virus scanner they have! Once they have clicked on it then

the Virus Scanner is F***ed! Now just say you have [another] pic for them

that you hope will work! or course it's the sub7 server you have created

[remember to change the icon to the Paint Shop Pro Pallet icon] now once

they double click on it "bang!" they are caught!

2] Just give them the server straight away as a pic, once they say it's a

Virus. Blag your way around it. Say it must of become corrupt! on the

download but it should still work!


How to connect ???????


Ok now you've done the hard part of giving them the Sub7 server saying it's

a pic [remember to change the icon to the Paint Shop Pro Pallet icon]! now

go into Sub7 and click on the IP button type on the line that says "ICQUIN"

type the victims ICQ number, then press "resolve UIN" and it will give you

there IP number, go back to the main screen and put in the IP on the "IP/UIN

box" now in the box next to that put in the port you set the server to

[27374 is the default] now click connect and your should be in!

Have fun!