Friday, January 30, 2009

visit Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad blog

1. Rencana ini telah ditulis semasa pilihanraya sedang berjalan. Saya pilih untuk tidak menyiarkannya pada masa itu supaya tidak dituduh mencuba mempengaruhi keputusan. Saya telah dikritik oleh seorang ahli UMNO kerana rencana saya berkenaan dilema pengundi. Rencana ini adalah sebagai jawapan kepada pengkritik saya.

2. Saya telah nyatakan pendirian saya dalam pilihanraya kecil ini iaitu saya tidak memihak kepada sesiapa.

3. Bahawa bagi sesetengah ahli UMNO pilihanraya ini penting, itu adalah pendapat mereka. Bagi saya pilihanraya kecil ini penting kepada UMNO jika ahli-ahli dan pemimpinnya dapat faham dan mengambil iktibar dari keputusannya. Saya tidak yakin mereka akan faham. Mereka akan nafi segala kesalahan mereka seperti dengan prestasi buruk pilihanraya Mac 2008.

p/s : itulah luahan seorang bekas pemimpin yg berdedikasi..amat prihatin terhadap bekas parti pimpinan nya..ternyata beliau kecewa dengan keadaan politik yg tidak menentu kerana dasar pemimpin yg baru,,,

layari blog Tun :

Friday, January 23, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Kenapa Orang Yahudi Tak Minum Coke dan Pepsi
Disampaikan oleh seorang sahabat.....Assalamualaikum kengkawan...
>>> last weekend, ada ustazah usrah kami beritahu... masa dia belajar kat
>>> mesir dulu, dia punya lecturer ada cerita... dulu ada sorang mamat
>>> yahudi ni datang egypt to study the muslims' lifestyle kat sana
>>> setelah serangan secara fizikal ke atas umat Islam tak berjaya. dia
>>> nak carik jalan untuk serang cara lain. tapi Alhamdulillah, dia telah
>>> diberi hidayah semasa dia dok study umat Islam kat mesir tu. dia
>>> beritahu lecturer ustazah ni, one of the things the jews do untuk
>>> hapuskan keturunan umat Islam is to produce coca cola & pepsi yang di
>>> dalamnya ada chemical to retard the reproduction organs for both men &
>>> women. menurut mamat tu, kat israel tak ada jual coke & pepsi sbb
>>> diorg tahu apa kandungan kat dalamnya and since jew is agama
>>> keturunan, diorg tak nak le mandul! kalau korang pernah terima
>>> forwarded email pasal bertapa acidicnya coke tu sampai boleh dissolve
>>> tulang & gigi (calcium containing compounds) and boleh buat cuci
>>> toilet! and for ladies, kalau minum coke boleh cause menstruation if
>>> you're a wee bit late. so kalau minum banyak & atthat time baru lekat
>>> zuriat, ada chances keguguran le, kan ? Therefore, untuk kemakmuran
>>> umat Islam & untuk kesihatan & untuk tak support jewish companies,
>>> pls stop drinking & buying coke & pepsi.

>>> Allahuakbar!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Proton 1st MPV model Found at a glance!!!!!

I believe the photos are clear enough for you to see some of the details on the MPV. The front headlamps are less masked now (or it could be just that these photos are of a decent resolution) so we can see that it uses a reflector lense instead of the more expensive projector type.

Predict MPV Proton filed the design of the new Proton MPV with the UK Intellectual Property Office on the 24th of October 2008 and it was approved on the 4th of November 2008. We can now see in full detail of how the new Proton MPV will look like, though it’s only the low resolution sketches that are available from the public UK IPO website. It looks pretty much similiar to the images of the model that appeared to be snapped in a Proton facility. Everything matches, including the chrome bar at the rear. The Proton MPV is scheduled to be released in early 2009..

Jom Same2 Menunggu kemunculan 1st Malaysian MPV...

myVi maNia....

It’s based on a Daihatsu Boon. Rumours say that it will come with a 1.3 liter DVVT engine and 1.0 DVVT models. The 1.3 should be the same K3-VE found in the Kembara DVVT and the Toyota Avanza, and the 1.0 should be just a smaller displacement version of it. Prices will be between 42,000 ringgit to 52,000 ringgit.

This is the original Daihatsu Boon. It’s available in 1 liter 2WD and 4WD configurations and 1.3 liter 2WD configuration.

Why Myvi? I’ve heard someone say the My means Malaysia and the VI represents the sixth car that Perodua has come up with. Kancil, Rusa, Kembara, Kelisa, Kenari… yup. The Myvi is the sixth. There are also other explanations to what MyVI means, such as Malaysian Vision, My Vision and My Vehicle.

I’ll predict that Daihatsu YRV turbo halfcuts will be even more in demand now

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Superb : Windows XP Black Platinum Edition 4.1 [Final Release of XP]

Windows XP Black Platinum Edition 4.1 [Final Release]

kalo dulu sbelum nk format pC , aku paling xsuke..bukan ape..kene cari cd driver for all component..driver graphic kad lar,sound card lar...aku lak jenis org yg xsuke simpan pas pkai..
men baling2 jer..hahha.,..

tp skrang aku ade jmpe satu dVd windows..mmg fully complete...dr A smpai Z...nk format just use 1DVD and only several clicks..pastu tnggu installation complete....kalo korunk nye pC power, lam 1 jam ley complete...then, da abes format, xyah install cd driver.,.sebab da auto install...
environment windows nie mmg best...90% cam vista...graphic design walla..side widgets dorunk create pergh..xley giler..kalo jual kat smatshop mmg laku,....huhuhu..

Software dalam ape yg ade??ermm..complete with Microsoft Words 2007,all Adobe products, compression tools ( WinRAR) , antivirus (Kapersky v7), burning tools (nero v8), software update, multimedia tools (player, video and songs converter), networking tools (Mega-Ping v4),
graphic design ( adobe photoshop cs3 extended), and many micellenous applications...
in one single dvd, u got a complete dekstop to running...

go question??just